
I created an aquaponic system that used fish waste as a nutrient source to grow basil.

Briefcase Computer

What started as a good laugh between friends quickly turned into a reality as I crammed a power bank, raspberry pi, portable monitor, keyboard, and mouse into a black hard shelled briefcase.

Food Forest

Upon moving into our first house I immediately planted fruit trees, berries, and a couple raised bed for strawberries and asparagus.

Greenhouse Monitor

Wanting to see the difference in temperature that my greenhouse was able to create, I built a solar powered greenhouse temperature monitoring system that logged temperatures from 6 different probes placed throughout the greenhouse to google sheets where I could visualize the data in a handy graph. I also utilized a free texting service that would send me notifications when the greenhouse was too hot/cold and when it was back within range.


This is an off grid wireless text based messaging system that works via standalone devices or bluetooth enabled devices that you link to with your phone and the Meshtastic app. So far, there is not a ton of traffic in our area but more and more people are joining the mesh by the day.


This tiny gathering of electronics is a Network Attached Storage, running on RAID1. When on my home network, I can upload files to storage from my phone to the NAS and then download to my laptop allowing for wireless transfers. The RAID1 storage allows the data to persist in the event one of the drives fails.


It's like a Tamagotchi except instead of feeding it digital food stuffs, you feed it Wi-Fi! In operation, the Pwnagotchi listens for Wi-Fi traffic and can collect handshake data from networks with WPA/WPA2 encryption. The packets captured can later be used to crack poor passwords. This is a wonderful tool for teaching the importance of strong passwords.